
Bring on the fullness

If there is a book to challenge us in this day, this is it. If you are a Christian thinking about getting this book, know that you will read some sentences that may unsettle you at first—but don’t stop reading. I will read this book several times in order to get my head around some of these thoughts.

Our Lord is using the physical COVID pandemic to reveal the spiritual COVID pandemic to the world, in His great love & kindness. Now is the time to repent of sin toward one another & seek restoration within our homes. Now is the time to step up for our brother Benjamin. Now is the time to humbly seek the Jewish people to ask for help in learning more about our Messiah in the Torah; when we restore this, relationship with each other & to our Messiah, we become full together. Now is the time to clear the path to the city of refuge. You have a part to play at the end of the age—for the love of our Messiah, brothers, & sisters.

“When the nations come to the Jewish people in humility, without pride or arrogance, and say, ‘Teach me Torah so that I may learn about my Messiah,’ the Jew will become full since he will bring the Torah to the 70 nations. The Gentile will then understand the fullness of the one who is coming to the city. The result is obvious—both Jew and Gentile will prepare for the same Messiah through the common ground of the city, which represents the fullness of the stone and the fullness of the workers. The fullness of the workers is composed of the Jewish people who are the owners of the Torah, and the nations who are the owners of the stone (i.e. the Messiah). The nations must present a clean stone that is to be whitewashed….We are responsible for whitewashing or purifying the name and the image of the Messiah. What is the meaning behind that? It represents the nations who are leaving their old city with their old stones to reexamine Yeshua, first as a son of Israel, and removing their own bias and klipot associated with his name. Both the Jew and Gentile must establish the city together with the foundation of the Torah” (pgs. 356-357).

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