"I am honored to acknowledge, recognize, and to endorse the monumental task and effort of my good friend, a colleague, and a scholar of the holy scriptures Rabbi Itzhak Shapira who wrote the book: The Besorah According to Covid-19. This phenomenal book is a thorough study, based on Jewish traditional sources and other studies, and inspired by the worldwide phenomenon we are all witnessing nowadays called COVID-19."
Rabbi Gil Alchadeff

"The Besorah According to COVID-19 is a revolutionary book that rattles the cage of Western theological thought, as it reveals patterns throughout the Scriptures presenting a Jewish Messiah that has been clothed in the garments of Esau or Christianity for so long that the Messiah has been unrecognizable to the world... Rabbi Shapira takes both Jew and Gentile on an incredible journey that will help replace the garments of the Messiah so a true recognition may take place."
Pastor Mark Biltz, El Shaddai Ministries

“I share the opinion that there is no way to understand Yeshua unless we accept that Yeshua and his teaching are deeply rooted in the Jewish culture and ways of his time. As the concepts and understanding of so many rabbis along Jewish history are cited here, and all support (willingly or unwillingly) the same messianic-Jewish ideas, I believe that this book will end this debate at least. I am amazed, surprised and gladly recommending that EVERYONE get this book!”
Eldad Keynan, Israeli Historian, 2nd Temple & Early Christianity

“This book should be read, reread, and studied. What is contained within has the potential to change lives. From the discussion of the Ladder to the Spirit of Edom, page after page of The Besorah According to Covid -19 hits you with a new wave of revelation that waters the spirit and makes deep understanding possible... It is my hope that you get spiritually and emotionally involved with the book. It is my belief that by the time you reach the end of this book, you too will stand and shout, ‘Arise, shine, for your light has come.’”
Douglas A. Wheeler, Ph.D., Th.D., President of Kidron Christian College and Seminary

“According to Judaic thought, there is a theme that runs through the entire Tanakh. The accomplishing of God’s plan occurs through a partnership of Israel and God... The Besorah according to Covid 19 is an excellent book that outlines this partnership. Rabbi Shapira goes on that. Not only does Israel partner with God, but the nations partner with God, and Israel must partner with the nations. These partnerships are the process outlined in Scripture.”
Rabbi Dr. Steven A. Bernstein, Aydat HaDerek

“The Besorah According to COVID-19 is an astonishing work that is essential reading for the times in which we’re living… The Besorah According to COVID-19 shows us how this current crisis has a very real solution found in the ancient Scriptures and how we, Jew and Gentile alike, can take an active role in bringing the Kingdom of God to Earth.”
Pastor Matt McKeown, Senior Pastor at the United Brethren in Christ Church

“The insights and revelations contained within its pages are fascinating regarding passages from the Tanach (Old Testament) and its connection to the Apostolic Writings. Scriptures that you would normally just read overcome to life with great meaning and significance. I would strongly urge anyone who desires to deepen their understanding of the responsibility of the Nations and Israel to bring about the redemption to get this book in their hands immediately!.”
Moreh Lance Hamel, Yeshivat Shuvu

“This book needs to be in the hands of every Christian Pastor, Jewish Rabbi, Messianic Rabbi, and everyone in between! The Shofar is beginning to sound and the sound of that Shofar is getting louder and Louder and LOUDER! Will you heed the warning that is being alerted or will you continue to walk around as white washed tombs full of dead men’s bones?... ‘Come out of her, my people, lest you participate in her sins and receive her plagues!’ (Rev. 18:4)”
Rabbi Hezekiah Ross, Beit Yeshuat Aish Tamid

“I just finished reading Rabbi Itzhak Shapira’s latest book “The Besorah According to Covid-19”. For those who have seen the title of the book and expected it to be just another effort at sensationalizing the pandemic, let me assure you that this is not in any way that type of book... This message is one of G-D’s complete sovereignty. If G-D is sovereign as the Bible unequivocally instructs, then Covid-19 must in some way be a part of the His greater narrative of creation, redemption and completion of Mankind.”
Rabbi Eric Tokajer, Brit Ahm Messianic Synagogue

“As soon as I read the book’s title "The Besorah according to Covid-19", I wanted the Italian translation and I worked personally so that it can become a reality in Italy. It’s a great job and Italy must know it. Why do I support this thing? I have received many revelations from the Spirit of HaShem for years, and now, they are written under my eyes, they are written and perfectly explained by a brilliant mind as that of Rabbi Shapira.”
Pastor Emanuel Mirenda, Vivi Re Gesù

"...'The Besorah According to Covid-19', is not only enlightening but reveals the hope we all have in the soon return of Mashiach. Not only revealed in the Brit HaChadasha, but also in the writings of the ancient sages, regarding who and what Mashiach will be and do in order to rectify the world when he comes. I highly recommend Rabbi Shapira's work and revelation about the soon-coming king. G-D is warning his own people and nations to return, make Teshuvah, to him, while there is still time to do so."
Rabbi Yaakov Zamstein, Kerem El Messianic Synagogue

"...Rabbi Shapira did an excellent job connecting Jewish understanding of prophetic times to current events. Christians would do good to glean from the ancient wisdom of our mother faith, Judaism. Yeshua’s said that all things that were written about in Him in the Books of Moses, the prophets and in the Psalms must come to pass (See Luke 24:44)... The Rabbi encapsulates much of these expectations in his latest book, The Besorah According to Covid-19."
Dr. Victoria Sarvadi, Author, Speaker & Philanthropist

"It is a very insightful book that I highly recommend! It presents a perspective on COVID you may not have considered!"
Jim Jacob Esq., The author of A Laywer’s Case for God

"At a time when the media is bent on spreading fear and tension 'The Besorah According to COVID-19' is a beacon of hope and light. Rabbi Shapira's prophetic insights from ancient Rabbinic sources and the Hebrew language can help give the body of Messiah the strategic vision and faith she needs to navigate this challenging but exciting moment in the overarching plan of God. Turn off the TV, read this book from cover to cover, and then give it to a friend!"