Rabbi Eric Tokajer

Rabbi at Brit Ahm Messianic Synagogue

I just finished reading Rabbi Itzhak Shapira’s latest book “The Besorah According to Covid-19”. For those who have seen the title of the book and expected it to be just another effort at sensationalizing the pandemic, let me assure you that this is not in any way that type of book.

First let me say that if you are familiar with Rabbi Shapira’s previous book “The Return of the Kosher Pig” this book is not that book. This book is written in a way that is much more user friendly. Both for those of a Jewish background but also those from a Christian tradition.

In writing his book Rabbi Shapira uses different forms of Jewish textual interpretation to share a message that is essential for all believers to read in this hour. Some of these methods may seem different and unfamiliar to you but please make the effort to read beyond these methods and digest the message these methods are being used to establish.

The message is simple yet complex, Familiar to all, but beyond the norms of many of today’s teachers. It is a message that runs seamlessly through the length of the Scriptures. This message is one of G-D’s complete sovereignty. If G-D is sovereign as the Bible unequivocally instructs, then Covid-19 must in some way be a part of the His greater narrative of creation, redemption and completion of Mankind.

I would share more but I would rather each one of you read the book for yourself and once you finish buy a few copies to encourage others with.

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